
On February 14th, 1995 I was born in Seoul, South Korea.  After spending three months in the care of my foster-mother, I was adopted through Spence-Chapin Adoption Services by my parents, James and Renee Gretschel and brought to our home in New York.

Growing up, I’d say my parents did their best to keep my Korean culture alive.  I attended Korean Culture Camp for a few years where I learned a lot about Korean culture as well as other Asian cultures.  We learned how to cook mandu, do bunka (a form of Japanese embroidery), and speak the Korean language (an ability that’s unfortunately disappeared over the years).  I even traveled back to South Korea for the first time four years ago on a Roots Family Tour through Spence-Chapin with my mom and another family.  We toured all over South Korea going from the bustling city of Seoul to the sea glass-filled beaches of Busan experiencing much of Korean culture as we traveled.

While on the Roots Family Tour, I learned about another program offered through Spence-Chapin, the Korean Summer Internship where two Korean adoptees are selected for a trip to South Korea where they work with infants and children in the SWS Ehwa Reception Center as well as have some free time to sight-see and be immersed in Korean culture.  This past March I applied for the internship and a few weeks ago I learned I had been chosen to go on the trip that begins on May 26th.

Though it will be difficult being away, particularly from my son, I know that this trip will be well worth it and I’m looking forward to everything I will be experiencing!  Although I’ve been told that internet connection isn’t very reliable in Naju, which is where I will be for the majority of my trip, I will do my best to keep this blog updated for friends and family.

Erica, Christopher, Me

My sister Erica, Christopher, Me

My dad and I on the day of my prom

Me and my dad on the day of my prom

My mom and I on our trip to Korea four years ago

Me and my mom on our trip to Korea four years ago

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